Please use courtesy phone in baggage claim to call for pickup. Dial extension 831. Pick-up service from hotels also available. Call local office at 808-661-7181 to schedule pick up. For shuttle service to Lahaina Cruise terminal please call 808-661-7181 Pickup is near the restrooms across the courthouse and runs every half hour for no additional fee. Shuttle starts when first tender is announced. We conclude shuttle runs at 12pm and begin taking customers back at 2pm. After 2pm we take guests back every half hour on the hour. Last shuttle to the harbor is at 4pm.
You can save time at the counter when you activate Accelerated Check-in online. Just provide your driver's license and contact information that are normally collected at pick-up and we will be ready when you arrive. You'll be on the road and on vacation before you know it!
Returning your vehicle after the location closes is easy with Alamo. We'll tell you where to park it; just drop the keys in the dropbox and you're on your way!
Skip the rental counter lines and check-in directly by using Alamo's touch-screen kiosk. Check-in using the kiosk and a receipt-sized rental agreement is printed. You'll be directed to your rental car on the lot. At the exit booth, show the booth agent your rental agreement and driver's license - and simply drive away.
No need to visit the counter or kiosk. You can go straight to your car!
In order to take advantage of this optional free service, you'll need to activate Accelerated Check-in online then choose the 'Skip the Counter' option. You will be required to confirm your protection options, agree to the Rental Agreement Terms & Conditions and enter a valid credit card (no charge is made until you return your vehicle). Simply print your rental agreement to bring with you, and you are all set! Go directly to your car, show the booth agent your rental agreement and driver's license - and get on the road!
Create a reservation fast, easily view or modify upcoming reservations, and get directions to your rental location.